Category: Misc
Angular Image Upload with Crop, Zoom, Scale
In this step, we are going to learn about uploading images with zoom, crop, and scale. We will use Angular to do this. If we want to download the cropped image, we can download it in base64. We can use various versions of Angular applications like Angular 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11. The…
Angular Form Validation no Whitespace Allowed
In this section, we are going to learn about form validation. In this form, we will not allow any white space. We will use Angular to do this. Many times, our application needs a form that accepts input without any space. In our reactive form, we can use custom validation which will not allow whitespace.…
Angular 9 Create Module with Routing
In this section, we are going to learn about the creation of a module with routing. We will use Angular 9 to do this. If we don’t have knowledge about the Angular 9 routing module, this example will help us to know this. In our below Angular application, we are going to create one admin…
Add Highcharts using Angular 9/8
In this example, we are going to learn about highcharts. We will use Angular 8 or Angular 9 to do this. In our Angular application, a spline chart will be created with highcharts. In order to create the chart, we will use highcharts angular 9/8 and install the highcharts and npm package of highcharts angular.…
Bootstrap Modal Popup in Angular 9/8
In this section, we are going to learn about the Bootstrap model popup. We will use Angular 8 or Angular 9 to do this. In our application, we will use the Bootstrap model popup. We will use Ng Bootstrap so that we can use the Bootstrap model popup. Bootstrap develops the very popular Ng Bootstrap. The…
Observable in Angular
The Observables in Angular, a popular framework and a platform in Javascript using which you can build tremendous single-page client-side applications using the bootlegs of Typescript and HTML. It is primarily coded in Typescript, a superset of Javascript that lets you import core and optional features in your apps. Thus, before going any further on the implementation of Observable in…
10 Digit Mobile Number Validation in Angular
In this section, we are going to learn about the validation of a ten-digit mobile number. We will use Angular to do this. In our below example, we will use an Angular reactive form to perform the validation of mobile number. We can perform it in various versions of Angular applications like Angular 6, 7,…
Angular 9/8 Select Dropdown Example
In this section, we will learn how to select dropdown in Angular 8 or Angular 9. For this, we will provide a very simple example to select dropdown in Angular 8 or Angular 9. The Angular 9/8 contains a list of bind select dropdowns. We will start by change event of dropdown selection. In order to create…
Dropzone Image Upload in Angular 9/8
In this section, we are going to learn how to upload an image using dropzone in Angular 9 or angular 8. We will also see image upload using drag and drop. In our example, we will use ngx dropzone in angular 9/8. In our angular 9 application, we will use components of dropzone to upload multiple…
Dynamically Add and Remove Form Fields in Angular
In this section, we are going to use Angular so that we can add and remove fields from the form dynamically. The following example will be very useful for us to learn this concept. We can do this in various versions of Angular like 6, 7, 8, and 9. In our below example, we will create a form which will…