Author: Faris Khalil
Angular 7 with Bootstrap
How to install Bootstrap for Angular project? Run the following command on command prompt: Further, when you use a project created with Angular CLI 6+ (check via ng v ), you’ll have an angular.json file instead of an .angular-cli.json file. In that file, you still need to add Bootstrap to the styles[] array, but the path should be node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css , NOT ../node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css . The leading ../ must…
Angular 7 App files explanation
See the structure of the Angular 7 app on WebStorm IDE (how it looks on IDE). For Angular 7 development, you can use either Visual Studio Code IDE or WebStorm IDE. Both are good. Here, we are using JetBrains WebStorm IDE. Files used in Angular 7 App folder Angular 7 App files which are mainly…
Angular 7 Project Setup (Create first app)
Following are the Angular CLI commands to create the first Angular app. Run the following command to create your first Angular app. Navigate to your first app. Start your server to run app. Your server is running on localhost:4200. Now, go to the browser and open it. Now, you need an IDE to edit and…
History and different versions of Angular
The first version of Angular was Angular1.0 (also known as AngularJS) which was released in 2010. But here, we are talking about Angular so; let’s see history and different versions of Angular. Angular2 Angular 2.0 was first introduced in October 2014. It was a complete rewrite of Angular so, the drastic changes in the 2.0…
How to install Angular 7?
Angular 7 Environment Setup In this page, you will see how you can install the prerequisites needed to run your first Angular 7 app. Install Visual Studio Code IDE or JetBrains WebStorm You must have an IDE like Visual Studio Code IDE or JetBrains WebStorm to run your Angular 7 app. VS Code is light…
Angular Features
A list of most important features and benefits of Angular: Angular supports multiple platforms Angular is a cross platform language. It supports multiple platforms. You can build different types of apps by using Angular. High Speed, Ultimate Performance Angular is amazingly fast and provides a great performance due to the following reasons: Productivity Angular provides…
What is Angular 7?
Angular 7 is a JavaScript (actually a TypeScript based open-source full-stack web application) framework which makes you able to create reactive Single Page Applications (SPAs). Angular 7 is completely based on components. It consists of several components which forms a tree structure with parent and child components. Angular’s versions beyond 2+ are generally known as Angular only. The very first version…
Angular 7 Tutorial
Angular 7 tutorial provides basic and advanced concepts of Angular 7. Our Angular 7 Tutorial is designed for beginners and professionals both. Angular is a JavaScript framework which makes you able to create reactive Single Page Applications (SPAs). This is a leading front-end development framework which is regularly updated by Angular team of Google. Angular 7 is…