Author: Awais Khan
Angular Material – Widgets
Angular Material provides a library of UI widgets. With the help of this library users to have advanced interaction capability with the application. The following table lists down a few essential Widgets with their description: S.N. Widgets Description 1 Buttons The md-button is a button instruction that contains optional ink waves. If href or ng-href attribute is there then the directive…
Angular Material Inputs
The angular material input-container is a used to contains any <input> or <textarea> element as a child. It also supports error handling using ng-message directives and animates messages using ngEnter / ngLeave events or ngShow / ngHide events. The following table lists the parameters and descriptions of many attributes of the md-input-container. Parameters Description md-maxlength The working of md-maxlength is to show the full-length text. If…
Angular Material Icons
An Angular Material icon is a component for showing vector-based icons in applications. It also supports icon fonts and SVG icons in addition to using Google content icons. The following table lists the parameters and descriptions of different features of md-icon. Sr.No Parameters Description 1 * md-font-icon The CSS icon’s string is associated with the font-face, which is…
Angular Material Installation
Angular Material provides UI components that work in mobile, web, and desktop too. Angular Material is used to develop the process by reusability of common components like Cards, inputs, Data Tables, etc. We require the following to install Angular Node.js should be greater than 8.11, and npm should be greater than 5.6. Node.js Type node -v in the terminal to check the Node.js is installed on your…
Angular Material Tutorial Angular Material is a UI library component developed by Google in 2014. It is specially designed for AngularJS developers. It helps to design the application in a structured manner. Its components help to construct attractive, consistent, and functional web pages and web applications. It is used to create a responsive and faster website.…