Angular Material Radio Button

The <mat-radiobutton> is used for <input type=”radio”> for enhance the material design-based styling. It provides the same functionality as the <input type=”radio”> with Angular Material Design styling and animations.

Radio-Button Label

The radio-button label is provided as the content of the <mat-radiobutton> element. If you do not want the label to appear next to the radio button, you use the area-label to specify the appropriate label.

Radio Groups

The radio-button should be placed inside the <mat-radio-group> unless the DOM structure makes that impossible (e.g., the radio button inside the table cell) impossible. Different radio buttons inside a radio group will inherit the group name.

Use with @angular/forms

<mat-radio-group> is compatible with @angular/forms and support the ReactiveFormsModule.


<Mat-radio-button> uses internal <input type = “radio”> to provide an accessible experience. This internal radio button receives focus and is automatically labelled the text content of <mat-radio-button> element.

Radio button groups must be given a meaningful label through an area-label or area-labelledby.

Default Color Configuration

The default color for radio buttons is configured globally by using the MAT_RADIO_DEFAULT_OPTIONS provider.

providers: [{  


    useValue: { color: 'accent' },  


    Example: 1


    <mat-radio-group aria-label="Select an option">  
      <mat-radio-button value="1">Option 1</mat-radio-button>  
      <mat-radio-button value="2">Option 2</mat-radio-button>  


      import {Component} from '@angular/core';  
       * @title Basic radios 
        selector: 'radio-overview-example',  
        templateUrl: 'radio-overview-example.html',  
        styleUrls: ['radio-overview-example.css'],  
      export class RadioOverviewExample {}  


        .mat-radio-button ~ .mat-radio-button {  
          margin-left: 16px;  


        Angular Material Radio Button

        If Radio buttons with the same name occurs then only one may be selected at a time.

        Example 2:


        import { AppComponent } from 'app.component';  
        import {FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule} from '@angular/forms';  
        import {BrowserAnimationsModule} from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';  
        import {MatRadioModule} from '@angular/material'  
        import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';  
        import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';  
           declarations: [  
           imports: [  
           providers: [],  
           bootstrap: [AppComponent]  
        export class AppModule { }

        Below is the modified CSS file app.component.css.

        .tp-radio-group {  
           display: inline-flex;  
           flex-direction: column;  
        .tp-radio-button {  
           margin: 5px;  
        .tp-selected-value {  
           margin: 15px 0;  


          import { Validators } from "@angular/forms";  
          import { FormControl } from "@angular/forms";  
          import { Component } from '@angular/core';  
             selector: 'app-root',  
             templateUrl: './app.component.html',  
             styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']  
          export class AppComponent {  
             title = 'materialApp';   
             favoriteSeason: string;  
             seasons: string[] = ['Winter', 'Spring', 'Summer', 'Autumn'];  


          import { Validators } from "@angular/forms";  
          import { FormControl } from "@angular/forms";  
          import { Component } from '@angular/core';  
             selector: 'app-root',  
             templateUrl: './app.component.html',  
             styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']  
          export class AppComponent {  
             title = 'materialApp';   
             favoriteSeason: string;  
             seasons: string[] = ['Winter', 'Spring', 'Summer', 'Autumn'];  

            Below is the HTML host file app.component.html.

            <mat-radio-group class = "tp-radio-group" [(ngModel)] = "favoriteSeason">  
               <mat-radio-button class = "tp-radio-button"  
                  *ngFor = "let season of seasons" [value] = "season">  
            <div class = "tp-selected-value">  
               Selected Season: {{favoriteSeason}}  


              Angular Material Radio Button


              First, we have created a radio button group using mat-radio-group bound with ngModel. Then, we have added radio buttons by using the mat-radio-button.


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