Angular Material Tutorial
Angular Material is a UI library component developed by Google in 2014. It is specially designed for AngularJS developers. It helps to design the application in a structured manner. Its components help to construct attractive, consistent, and functional web pages and web applications. It is used to create a responsive and faster website.
It attracts users and access the elements or components present in our application. It also helps to design our applications with unique styles and shapes.
These components make the application or website more consistent and design responsive. It combines the classic principles of successful design with innovation and technology.
Google developed Angular Material in 2014. At that time, it was tagged to AngularJS to make the applications more attractive and faster performance. Google wrote the code again from scratch and removed JS, then named it Angular Material in September 2016. UI/UX components are known as Angular Materials.
Features of Angular Material
- It is an In-built responsive design.
- Angular Material has standard CSS.
- The new version of UI Components which are buttons, checkboxes, and text fields is used to follow Angular Material Design concepts.
- It has specialized features such as cards, toolbar, speed dial, side nav, swipe, side nav, and more.
- It is a cross-platform browser and it is used to create web components.
Responsive Design
- Angular Material has a responsive design so that its website can fit in any size.
- The websites created by Material are compatible with Android, iPhone, tablets, and laptops.
- It is easy to add new CSS rules to overwrite the existing CSS
- It supports shadows and colors.
- The colors and shades are uniform in Angular Material.
- Angular Material is free to use.
High quality
- Angular Material components are accessible for everyone. It is tested with many parameters that ensures performance and reliability of the application.
- It has straightforward APIs with consistent cross-platform behaviour.
- It provides tools that help developers to build their custom components with common patterns.
- It is customizable within the bounds.
- It was built by the Angular team to integrate perfectly.
- We can use Angular Material to design a new application from scratch or in an existing application.
AngularJS vs. Angular
The Angular Material library is a stable product that is ready for use. Developers should note that AngularJS Material works with AngularJS 1.x. AngularJS 1.x is now in Long Term Support (LTS) mode.
The Angular Material and Component Dev Kit (CDK) libraries (for Angular v2+) will be found in the Angular Components GitHub repository.
Current development efforts are focused on accessibility, performance minor enhancements and bug fixes.
The Latest Material Design
The latest update of Material Design was announced at Google in May, 2018.
Long Term Support
AngularJS Material has entered into the Long Term Support (LTS) period which ends on 31 December 2021. The date aligns with the AngularJS LTS period.
Then, we focus on fixing the bug, in the 1.2.x branch of the library, which satisfies at least one of the criteria which are given below:
- We receive or detect a verified security weakness report.
- A browser releases a version that will stop current production applications from working.
- jQuery library releases a version that prevents current production applications from working.
AngularJS Material 1.1.x will get a new version, if we verify a new security weakness.
Browser Support
AngularJS Material generally supports browsers that fall into these categories:
- Greater than 0.5% global usage
- Last two major versions of Evergreen browsers
- Firefox ESR
- Not considered “dead” browsers
Before proceeding with the tutorial, you must have the basic knowledge of Angular JS, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Document Object Model (DOM). Also, it helps if you see the working of web-based applications.
This tutorial is beneficial for beginners and professionals who want to learn the basics of Angular Material and create responsive websites with engaging components. The tutorial explains the main concepts of Angular Material.
We assure that you will not find any problem in this Java tutorial. However, if there is any mistake, please post the problem in the contact form.
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