Angular Material Contact Chips

The Angular Directive md-contact-chips, is an input control that is built on MD-chips and uses the md-auto-complete element. The contact chip component has an expression that lists the contacts. The user selects one of it and then adds it to the list of available chips.

The <md-contact-chips> is an input component based on md-chips. It is used mainly for labels.


The table lists the parameters and descriptions of various properties of md-contact-chips.

1* ng-modelIt is used to bind a list of items.
2* md-contactsThis is expected to return from a contact matching test, $ query.
3* md-contact-name* md-contact-name is the field name of the contact object that represents the contact’s name.
4* md-contact-emailThe contact object’s field name represents the contact’s email address.
5* md-contact-imageThe contact object’s field name represents the contact’s image.
6placeholderPlaceholder text is sent for input.
7secondary-placeholderIf there is at least one item in the list, the placeholder text will be sent to the input displayed.
8filter-selectedIt is used to filter selected contacts from the list of suggestions in auto-complete.

Example 1:

The example shows the use of the md-contact-chips instruction and the uses of angular contact chips.


import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';   

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';   

import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';   

import { MatChipsModule } from '@angular/material/chips';   


import { AppComponent } from './app.component';   

import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';  



  [ BrowserModule,   




  declarations: [ AppComponent ],   

  bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]   


export class AppModule { } 


    <p>Default Chip List</p>  
    <mat-chip-list aria-label="Fish selection">  
        <mat-chip color="primary" selected>  
            Primary theme chip  
        <mat-chip color="accent" selected>  
            Accent theme chip   
        <mat-chip color="warn" selected>  
            Warn theme chip  
        <mat-chip>Default theme chip </mat-chip>  
    <p>Stacked Chip List</p>  
    <mat-chip-list class="mat-chip-list-stacked"  
        aria-label="Fish selection">  
        <mat-chip color="primary" selected>  
            Primary theme chip   
        <mat-chip color="accent" selected>  
            Accent theme chip  
        <mat-chip color="warn" selected>  
            Warn theme chip  
        <mat-chip>Default theme chip </mat-chip>  


      Angular Material Contact Chips

      Example 2:


      <div ng-controller="ContactChipDemoCtrl as ctrl" layout="column" ng-cloak="" class="chipsdemoContactChips" ng-app="MyApp">  
        <md-content class="md-padding autocomplete" layout="column">  
          <md-contact-chips ng-model="ctrl.contacts" md-contacts="ctrl.querySearch($query)" md-contact-name="name" md-contact-image="image" md-contact-email="email" md-require-match="true" md-highlight-flags="i" filter-selected="ctrl.filterSelected" placeholder="To">  
          <md-list class="fixedRows">  
            <md-subheader class="md-no-sticky">Contacts</md-subheader>  
            <md-list-item class="md-2-line contact-item" ng-repeat="(index, contact) in ctrl.allContacts" ng-if="ctrl.contacts.indexOf(contact) < 0">  
              <img ng-src="{{contact.image}}" class="md-avatar" alt="{{}}">  
              <div class="md-list-item-text compact">  
            <md-list-item class="md-2-line contact-item selected" ng-repeat="(index, contact) in ctrl.contacts">  
              <img ng-src="{{contact.image}}" class="md-avatar" alt="{{}}">  
              <div class="md-list-item-text compact">  


        .chipsdemoContactChips md-content.autocomplete {  
          min-height: 250px; }  
        .chipsdemoContactChips .md-item-text.compact {  
          padding-top: 8px;  
          padding-bottom: 8px; }  
        .chipsdemoContactChips .contact-item {  
          box-sizing: border-box; }  
          .chipsdemoContactChips .contact-item.selected {  
            opacity: 0.5; }  
            .chipsdemoContactChips .contact-item.selected h3 {  
              opacity: 0.5; }  
          .chipsdemoContactChips .contact-item .md-list-item-text {  
            padding: 14px 0; }  
            .chipsdemoContactChips .contact-item .md-list-item-text h3 {  
              margin: 0 !important;  
              padding: 0;  
              line-height: 1.2em !important; }  
            .chipsdemoContactChips .contact-item .md-list-item-text h3, .chipsdemoContactChips .contact-item .md-list-item-text p {  
              text-overflow: ellipsis;  
              white-space: nowrap;  
              overflow: hidden; }  
          @media (min-width: 900px) {  
            .chipsdemoContactChips .contact-item {  
              float: left;  
              width: 33%; } }  
        .chipsdemoContactChips md-contact-chips {  
          margin-bottom: 10px; }  
        .chipsdemoContactChips .md-chips {  
          padding: 5px 0 8px; }  
        .chipsdemoContactChips .fixedRows {  
          height: 250px;  
          overflow: hidden; } 


          (function () {  
            'use strict';  
                .controller('ContactChipDemoCtrl', DemoCtrl);  
            function DemoCtrl ($timeout, $q) {  
              var self = this;  
              self.querySearch = querySearch;  
              self.allContacts = loadContacts();  
              self.contacts = [self.allContacts[0]];  
              self.filterSelected = true;  
               * Search for contacts. 
              function querySearch (query) {  
                var results = query ?  
                    self.allContacts.filter(createFilterFor(query)) : [];  
                return results;  
               * Create filter function for a query string 
              function createFilterFor(query) {  
                var lowercaseQuery = angular.lowercase(query);  
                return function filterFn(contact) {  
                  return (contact._lowername.indexOf(lowercaseQuery) != -1);;  
              function loadContacts() {  
                var contacts = [  
                  'Marina Augustine',  
                  'Oddr Sarno',  
                  'Nick Giannopoulos',  
                  'Narayana Garner',  
                  'Anita Gros',  
                  'Megan Smith',  
                  'Tsvetko Metzger',  
                  'Hector Simek',  
                  'Some-guy withalongalastaname'  
                return (c, index) {  
                  var cParts = c.split(' ');  
                  var contact = {  
                    name: c,  
                    email: cParts[0][0].toLowerCase() + '.' + cParts[1].toLowerCase() + '',  
                    image: ' ' + index  
                  contact._lowername =;  
                  return contact;  


            Angular Material Contact Chips


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